
Facultad de Geología

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Admission by study or university changes


Applying for change of university or spanish undergraduate studies and the admission of students from abroad university studies.

Oferta de plazas por cambio de universidad y/o estudio curso 2023-2024. Acuerdo del Consejo de Gobierno de 27 de abril de 2023 pendiente de aprobación por el Principado de Asturias y su publicación en el BOPA.

Colectivo solicitante



In accordance with the Regulations on changes of official Spanish university degree courses and admission from foreign university studies of 14 October 2014, modified by the Agreement of 18 November 2015, of the Governing Council of the University of Oviedo:

Students with spanish oficial university studies partially coursed

  • a) that have been recognized 30 ECTS.
  • b) Students have to credit and admission note in the moment of income to the studies will be equal or superior to 85% of the cut-off grade in the immediately precedent course for the studies in the University of Oviedo, in the admission quota that would been corresponded to the applicant in function of their access via.

They could be admitted in the studies from the University of Oviedo the applicants with abroad university studies coursed partially or totally as well as who have not obtained the recognition of their degree in Spain, when a minimum of 30 ECTS credits are recognised. https://www.uniovi.es/estudia/grados/sobrelosgrados/admision/estudiosextranjeros

Exceptional procedure (Artículos 14,15 y 16)

University the Oviedo will resolve the application’s admission of students that present exceptional situations and, cumpliendo los requisitos académicos establecidos en los artículos 3.1 or they haven’t obtained place by the previous procedures in the present regulation. In this effects, they could create additional places to the initially proposed.

Organismo responsable

Ordinary procediment: deans and center’s directors.

Extraordinary precedent: Valuation’s commission of study changes.

Contacto responsable

Ordinary procediment: corresponding Faculty or School

Extraordinary precedent: Vice-rectorate of students.


Ordinary procediment: from 1 june to 7 july 2023.

Extraordinary precedent: period permanently open.

Formas de notificación

After publication, consult the administration of the correspondent Faculty or School

Solicitud online
Efecto de silencio

Once 3 months have passed, the application is understood to have been rejected.

Formas de solicitar


Otra información:


Appeal to the Rector.